The Magnificent Traveling Palace | Book App


The Magnificent Travelling Palace is such a perfect book app for kids and the whole family. Curiosity and enthusiasm are things that all kids have in common, no matter what culture. It is a tale of young Indian children in search of a magical traveling castle. Once they find it, they are at a loss for words because of the beauty they are surrounded with. This interactive app has graphics and background music that are breathtaking, There are objects to touch, manipulate, and paint. You can even email a favorite Indian recipe! You will want to get the book so that your kids can experience all it encompasses. Travelling Palace reinforces the knowledge that we are all one to our children. This app is presented by PlaneTree Family Productions. Narration is done in both American and British English.

The Alluring Travelling Palace!

Rajeev and his Friends Learn a Secret!

In Search of The Palace!

The Awesome Beauty Takes Their Voices Away!

The travelers get lost in the sights, sounds, and smells!

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Meet The Cast!

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This app is a great addition to your kid’s toolbox for life!
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Meet The Developer!

What was the initial inspiration for your app?

15 years ago I visited India as a backpacker. It took me three days to fall in love with this country and its culture. The people, the markets, the vivid colors, the smells, the tastes, the mixture of order and chaos that co-exist in India where all is so different from everything I new before and yet so comfortable, warm and familiar.

I also got lucky and fell in love with a young backpacker who is now my husband. Since then, both of us have returned to India repeatedly. “The magnificent traveling palace” draft was first written on a small notepad (before the Smartphone and tablet era) during a long train ride in northern India.

6 years ago, after my first son was born I wanted to introduce him with the wonders of India and at same time introduce to him the varieties of cultures and societies in the world. When the iPad was first introduced I understood this was the prefect platform for sharing the experience I was hoping the “magnificent traveling palace” would be like.

What is your favorite aspect of your app?

My favorite aspects of the app are the small things that create a full multi-sensory experience (a bit like the experience one goes through when visiting India). The authentic chai seller voice, an original Indian announcer voice on a train speaker, a morning mantra, special sitar sounds, a traditional Indian dessert recipe, and amazing 3D illustrations by Rakesh Nanda which provide the young readers with this magical and enchanting adventure.

Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

“The Magnificent Travelling Palace” is a storybook for the whole family. While reading and playing with the app, we encourage beginners and more advanced readers to form and retain a positive literacy experience. Moreover, young kids will enjoy a world filled with colors, music, exciting interactions, and movie like animations. The three reading modes make the app appropriate for all ages.  The train is leaving so jump aboard! Sincerely yours ~ Shoham D.

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Travelling Palace

  1. annelien kisch
    annelien kisch06-30-2012

    hi shoham,
    I got this from Lies, Yiftach’s mother (and my wonderful help at the ceramic class we do at the parents-home).
    I was thrilled to watch this! It is really lovely.
    Thank you !

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