Dr. Panda Cafe | Apps For Kids


drpandacafeDr. Panda Café is another fantastic app to hand to your young and budding entrepreneurs 😉 Dr. Panda’s friends all get in the act as customers in the cafe.

Kids will be seating customers, taking orders, and creating treats in the kitchen. From there they will collect on the checks and build stars awarding them praise and new menu items. Just clearing tables and seating customers can become quite the dance 😉

There is no ‘right’ way to do most things, allowing for creativity throughout the process. As the chef, kids can dress up any order to win over another customer for life. Memory and logic skills are sure to be enhanced as kids get a grip on how the process can flow. Kids will also quickly learn to ‘read’ their customers’ needs and desires.

This app is ad free and kid-safe making this another great addition to your kid’s Toolbox For Life. Check out the videos below so that you can clearly see the top-notch quality of yet another Dr. Panda app.

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Meet The Developers!


devpandaWhat was the initial inspiration for your app?

“We wanted to create a game that revolves around taking care of animal customers and fulfilling their needs. After trying a few other themes (We also tried a clothing shop), we agreed that a cafe fit best. This is because going to a cafe is not something you do quickly; customers sit down, take their time with their food and enjoy the moment.”

What is your favorite aspect of the app?

“Emotions are one of the toughest aspects to design, but in Dr. Panda Cafe they are also our favorite. In the café, the animals are always interacting with one another, showing their various emotions, and so we had to balance each part of the game around that. Not only do you need fun, cute and clear animations, but the way in which the animals interact with the camera needs to make you, the player, aware of how the animals are feeling so that you can respond to their needs. For us, this really makes the game and all of its characters come alive!”

Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

“What’s unique about Dr. Panda Cafe is that it offers a variety of benefits for kids and parents alike. For kids, there’s the obvious benefit of having fun! Taking on the roll of a barista or waiter and playing with up to 25 different food and drinks, all of which can be customized to make each food look as tasty as they’d like!  On the other side of the coin, there are the educational benefits which are more likely to appeal to parents. Kids will learn how stay organized and empathize as they take care of their animal customers and prepare recipes in the kitchen to satisfy their needs, getting orders out on time.  It’s a great opportunity for learning and playtime to come together.”

Lead concept designer – Twan.

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