Just a Mess – Little Critter – Family Life Lessons | Book App


Little Critter is searching for his baseball mitt. He winds up in his bedroom which is much more than “just a mess.” Little Critter’s has an interesting concept on cleaning, as most kids do. Read along and enjoy his comical solutions to his messy room. Mercer Mayer’s Little Critter stories, which address all the major issues of growing up, are favorites of parents and kids.

As you get to the end, you will see there is an extra challenge to find two things as many times as you can. As with all Oceanhouse books, reading readiness is built in at the tap of a finger. You can pan and zoom the pages to see all of the art close up! This app is presented to us by Oceanhouse Media.

Little Critter Begins His Search!

Mom Thinks He Should Clean His Room!

How Much Can You Fit Under A Bed?

Now The Pillow is Missing!

Can You Find All of the Spiders and Grasshoppers?

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This app is a great addition to your kid’s toolbox for life!
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