Rhyme to Read full – teach beginning reading with phonics and sight words and word families (English Version)

In this phonics-based, color coded process, there are 20 books that get progressively harder. New words are added in each book, teaching short vowel, word families, and sight words in a controlled progression.
The stories are entertaining and engaging for kids. This is an app that can give kids a hand up as well as preventing a loss of reading progress over the summer break. I used a stylus for a more effective flow in the videos below:
Sample of Book 9
Sample of Book 15
Sample of Book 18
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Meet The Developers!
What was the initial inspiration for your app?
Sara and I actually wrote the reading program (RHYME TO READ) about 10 years ago. Parents were asking us all of the time for books they could use at home to help their children learn to read. We felt that there was a void in the market for good quality, multicultural, phonics-based readers. Our program is unique in that it uses color-coded word families. At that time, we self-published our program. Parents and teachers loved it, and we sold out quickly. Unfortunately, printing costs combined with shipping and advertising made the venture too expensive to continue. Two years we thought we’d give our wonderful reading program another shot by turning into an app.
What is your favorite aspect of your app?
We are proud of many aspects of our app. First and foremost–our reading program REALLY works! Kids learn to read using our program! The color-coding is a wonderful way for students to have support in visual discrimination. In addition, all new words are “previewed” before the student reads the story text. We structured it so that kids feel successful as they move through the books. That is really the most important part—keeping the students feeling successful and keeping them engaged. We are also proud of our diverse group of characters. It is very important for children to see themselves represented in literacy tools.
Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
My name is Lynn Klaiman (photo left) and I am one of the authors of Rhyme to Read, A Program for beginning readers. I am a currently a Learning Specialist for PreK – 2nd grade. I have a Masters degree in Reading, Sara Hines is the other author (right photo). She has a Phd in Special Ed, and is the Principal of an independent lower school. We both live in Washington DC with our families. We have been friends for over 15 years. We first met teaching at the same school. Sara was the learning Specialist and I was a first grade teacher. I would say the hardest part for us has been maintaining the integrity of the program. It was absolutely imperative to us that we not compromise our program to please others and meet their demands. Some folks wanted to change things around to make our program more marketable. They wanted us to add all sorts of bells and whistles to make it stand out more. We absolutely would not do that. We are teachers, and our app is not a game. It is a sound, learn-to-read program, based on research and data. We are proud to say we have received over 40 excellent reviews from teacher bloggers, homeschool parents, and Mommy bloggers. It is an amazing feeling knowing that our program is being used all over the world and helping kids learn to read.
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