Peg and Pog | Educational Apps

This amazing app is presented to us by Kenikeni Ltd. It has every aspect that we would ever recommend if you want a high quality app.
Peg and Pog is designed as a free-play app making it very attractive to kids. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to take advantage of what can spring from this type of playtime. Discuss things and possibilities with them while they play. Ask them what they think and how it makes them feel to create a scene. You could be inspiring this youngest generation to a focus on our planet and opening a discussion about their future desires to do so.
The graphics and audio are top-notch and inspiring. In addition, there is an opportunity to show kids how small the world can be when they are exposed to several language choices! I love this aspect in an app. Many languages are so similar and kids get to hear how easy it might be to learn a few. Be sure to check those options in the Parent Section.
After playing through the scenes kids can view each word with an image. This is a strong reading readiness tool appropriate for any classroom. Please consider gifting this app to your favorite teachers.
This app is kid-safe and 3rd party ad free 🙂
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Meet The Developers!
What was the initial inspiration for the app?
The Kenikeni team themselves have been creating digital content for almost 20 years for brands such as BBC, Channel 4, National Geographic, Macmillan Education, Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network. And as for the inspiration behind this inaugural release – most definitely Cosmo, the lovable cat that came to take up home and run the office a few years ago!
What’s your favorite aspect of the app?
From recording sound effects to creating animations, there are just so many things we have loved about making this app. Bringing Luella’s marvelous illustrations to life and giving each of her magnificent characters a personality has been a real pleasure. We have endeavored to build unique personalities into each of the characters — the way they react, the way they dance and move, their musical ability and apparent self-awareness. Didi is a mean guitarist, but when it comes to the solo, Pog can sometimes be a bit unsure. We have paid a lot of attention to small, but what we consider to be important detail in the app. For example, and by no means least, the skin texture and tone of each character is unique. All the characters are different, but most importantly, all can participate equally and it is great to see little ones, and not so little ones, interacting, laughing and learning!
Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
We have blended a mix of structure with open play with no rules and no high scores! There are plenty of surprises in the app, such as the toy machine, the sliding accessibility ramp, and of course Cosmo, who always tries to be the star of the show, even if he has to photobomb his way there!
We would like to think of Peg and Pog, and for that matter, any of our future products, as being a starting point — a catalyst for conversation and curiosity. We want to encourage parents/carers/teachers to join in with their children, to instigate talk, to encourage them to ask questions and to think about things, people and the world around them. For more information check out the guide in the Settings section of the app, and also on our website.
Try a different language and use the app with our free resources and activities. All our printables, such as the very popular Peg and Pog finger puppets, are free and available in several languages and may be found here:
If you like our app, please take a moment to give it a rating and a review— it really does mean a lot to a tiny company like ours, and, of course, we love to hear from you!
We are a new company. We are a small company. We always listen. Please reach out to let us know we are on the right track – or where we can improve.
Kenikeni is a small independent studio that creates beautiful, fun and immersive digital play experiences that stimulate the imagination and encourage children to discover and engage with the world around them.
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Believe in the magic of play.