Five Little Monkeys Go Shopping | Book Apps


This Monkey Mom may go bananas just trying to keep track of her five little monkeys.  Follow along on this shopping trip, which become an exercise in math, as Monkey Mom works to keep track of her babies!  This is a Mom that would appreciate online shopping 🙂

The book app is loaded with math problems that Mom has to do as well as all the tapping abilities that reinforce reading readiness and word recognition!

This app is brightly illustrated and designed to keep kids enticed.  The narration is great and assists in the flow very nicely.

The app is presented to us by Oceanhouse Media

The Shopping Trip the day before School!

Momma finds monkeys and loses monkeys!

Will she ever get them all back together?!

Five Little Monkeys Go Shopping – Oceanhouse Media

This app is a great addition to your kid’s toolbox for life!
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