KoKoKo – A Fun Game to Learn Body Parts
KoKoKo is a charming way for 2-6 year olds to learn body parts. Just like the traditional games parents and grandparents have played throughout generations.
The app is totally intuitive and kids will automatically pick up on the names of the body parts. There are games in between to take a little break from practicing.
The app is done very well with great graphics and intention. This app is presented to us by Tink Tank Inc.
Play with a Precious Little Girl!
Play with a Cute Little Boy!
Play Wind Chimes!
This app is a great addition to your kid’s toolbox for life!
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Meet The Developer!
What was the initial inspiration for your app?
It began with a search. I wanted resources to teach and expose my daughter to Korean and found things hard to acquire or woefully inadequate. Materials were too simple, too complex, or poorly presented. Flashcards are great for building vocabulary, but now for establishing the building blocks of communicative language. As an educator, I felt I could do better. The initial direction was print, but then a friend suggested going the app route and that changed everything. KoKoKo was born.
I love that it is simple and focused on just body parts without extraneous clutter. I think the characters are adorable and love the animations they do in response to children’s input.