Gurgle Numbers for iPad – Math The Fun Way | Educational App
Very Enticing Math game to fill in your kids’ break time with some educational fun. Kids love to outdo themselves – then giggle about it. This is a tool that will give them another opportunity to thrive in math! Kids will love mastering their Number Bonds and Times Tables.
Developed for a 6 year old who is learning her Number Bonds and Times Tables at School. Another great family driven app! Now her 4 year old brother loves to play the games too!
You can create as few or as many players as you like. TEACHER ALERT: Perfect reward time app for your kids Loaded with praise and the ability for multiple players, this is a must have Teacher App!
Gurgle Numbers for iPad is presented to us by Alexander Aylesbury.
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Meet The Family!
This app is a great addition to your kid’s toolbox for life!
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Meet The Developer!
What was the initial inspiration for your app?
Our children are learning Number Bonds & Times Tables at school which drove this particular app. Nothing trumps actually sitting down with your children and spending time with them helping them learn. All you really need is pencil and paper, but at some point they need to practice on their own and Apps can really complement their learning.
We searched for a fun App, but many were badly thought out or just threw in a lot of gimmicks which appear to appeal to kids. Our kids (4 & 6) found those frustrating and confusing. We discovered from our prototypes that our children and their friends don’t need the distracting bells and whistles. It was quite a revelation and we quickly learned not to underestimate them. We were inspired by the children playing with our prototypes and to a certain extent the old coin op games of our youth. A joystick, a couple of buttons and no instructions needed.
What is your favorite aspect of your app?
It’s wonderful when you hear ‘Mum, Mum I’ve got 5 stars!’ as one of the children excitedly comes running to show you their score and how proud they are. Or when they are nagging you asking if they can play ‘the numbers game’. Also when you hand the game to a child for the first time, and they just know what to do without you telling them, we worked hard on that and it’s worth all the redesigns.
The speed they progress is very satisfying, and after all that is what the App is designed to do. We play as a family and it’s got to the point when the children sometimes beat the adults.
Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
We are probably preaching to the choir as this is for visitors to but here goes.
Please support the smaller developers if they have a good product. A review, or rating on iTunes
makes a huge difference. They, like us will likely be doing it out of the love not the money. It’s tough
to be noticed when your money is going on school shoes and the big publishers can spend thousands
on marketing.
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