Educational Game Apps | Math Mage


Math Mage is such a  great way to keep our older kids enticed to drill math equations!  Math Mage does a great job covering addition, subtraction, division and multiplication while vanishing mosters all the way!  All of this is done in a suspense filled atmosphere with high quality video and suspense background music.  What Kid doesn’t want to be a hero?This app is presented to us by RGH Games LLC and is recommended in the app store for an age level of 9 and up due to cartoon, fantasy violence.



Parents will know if this is suitable for their kids by reviewing our videos.  I played the game on the easy level to help you decide. There are 4 levels of difficulty ranging from easy to extreme.

Check out Your Options!


Keep Going! You Can Do It!!


And a Prize is Won! Go Get Yours!

The Math Mage – RGH Games LLC

This app is a great addition to your kid’s toolbox for life!
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Meet The Developer!

What was the initial inspiration for  Math Mage?

The math mage is a product of our passion, we love games, we love making them and playing them, and we also believe in the power of education, which is why we chose mathematics, the only true universal language, we put all of our passion in creating a fun and entertaining game and mixed it with basic mental mathematics, the result was a wildly entertaining and challenging experience that has the perfect mix of fun and education, some people might call the math mage an educational game, we prefer to call it fun with a purpose.

What is your favorite aspect of your app?

The experience !!! Who wouldn’t want to be a magician vanquishing evil and saving their town? The sheer simplicity of playing the game is addictive, we love how simple it is to understand, all you need to do is solve and form equations quickly, even the best math magicians enjoy playing the game not only for the challenge it presents in the extreme difficulty mode but for the superb graphics and interactivity, the game is a truly addictive and entertaining gameplay experience that really engages you with beautiful worlds and amazing graphics and we just love how we cant get enough of casting spells through numbers !!

Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

We would love to see our players get those trophies and share them !! The game has a wide range of trophies to unlock but the grand wizard trophy is reserved for the best of math magicians out there, those who have acquired the grand wizard trophy will have a special treat from the developers 🙂 ` Sayyed

  1. Amer

    Great to see our game here !!! and I look forward to see how it resonates with players and parents 🙂

  2. Rawish

    This is a great App indeed!
    Thank you Best Apps for Kids for letting us know about this game, definitely something I want to buy!

  3. m

    Good Game,

    recommended for all people,

    nice work.

  4. anthony moya
    anthony moya04-01-2012

    great game indeed!

  5. roman2124

    fantastic…….great games……..for all the family………………..

  6. mougth

    this is cool,,remember,,you won’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing,,\m/

  7. Mary

    That is just what makes my soul sing!

  8. Gharaibeh

    amazing game , its really very nice , would like to see the parents comments here too ,
    amazing Graphics , Maths , Techniques, Musics and animation too , 🙂
    its clever way to teach the Math through amazing game 😀

  9. Naela

    Amazing Gameeeeee

  10. lina

    looks like a great game, can’t wait to play it:)

  11. Aladdin

    It’s a brilliant game, the concept is new, the visuals are great and the gemplay is very interesting.

    Totally recommended!

  12. c_elias

    What a creative way to push children to start loving numbers… Too bad we didn’t have iPads when we were children!

  13. Maysoon

    Brilliant game…Great work 🙂

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